Sunday, May 8, 2011

The SECOND Jawaala News Quiz!!!

I have given you all plenty of time to study and set yourselves right after all your disappointing performances on the last quiz.  But it's time now to re-assess your Middle East news knowledge, and for me to lower my expectations.  Without further ado, I present to you the new Jawaala news quiz, now with 20% more Donald Trump (answers below):

1. Which of the following has NOT been blamed by Bashar al-Assad for fomenting unrest in Syria?

a. A plot by foreign powers to cause civil war
b. Saboteurs pushing an Israeli agenda
c. Satellite television channels
d. American vigilantes
e. The Muslim Brotherhood

2. Kuwaiti protestors presented parliamentarians with watermelons in March as a symbol of what?

a. Liberty
b. Disenfranchised farm communities
c. Reconciliation and forgiveness
d. Chaos and discontent
e. Corruption

3. In an interview with CNN’s Candy Crowley on April 17, Donald Trump said which of the following about NATO operations in Libya?

a. “We need one thing. Brain power.”
b. “In the old days when you have a war and you win, that nation is yours.  Either I go in and take the oil or I don't go in at all."
c. “I saw a report yesterday. There's so much oil, all over the world, they don't know where to dump it.”
d. “Look. I’m going to look ‘em in the eye and say, ‘Fellas, you’ve had your fun.  Your fun is over.’”
e. “At this moment in time there is a Muslim problem in the world.”

4. How many protestors have been killed in Syria since Hillary Clinton called Bashar al-Assad a “reformer” on March 27?

a.  200
b. 300
c. 400
d. 500
e. 600

5. In her profile in Vogue Magazine, Asma al-Assad said it was important that Syria does not lose which of the following:

a. Its culture
b. Its Arab identity
c. Its spirit of openness
d. Its liberal values
e. Its cuisine

6. On May 3, American vigilante Gary Faulkner demanded a portion of the $25 million reward for information leading to Osama bin Laden’s capture because:

a. “I scared the squirrel out of his hole, he popped his head up and he got capped”
b. “All it takes is one good man”
c. “I wanted to bring him to justice. I'm not greedy, but I sold everything I had and I put my life on the line”
d. “I'm worried that in Pakistan, they won't give him his dialysis. And if he doesn't get it, he's in serious trouble”

7. Pakistani computer programmer Sohaib Athar became famous overnight when he:

a. Was revealed as the author of the Stuxnet worm
b. Leaked the full email archives of nuclear engineer and traitor A.Q. Khan
c. Inadvertently live-Tweeted the Navy SEALS raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound
d. Was arrested for plotting Lashkar-e-Taiba’s 2008 attack on Mumbai
e. Patented a cheese-seeking robot

8. Match the Donald Trump quotation to the nation he is discussing:

i. Libya                                                                        a. “Why aren't they paying us?  When they said that you should have said, we'll go in… We want $5 billion right now and we'll go in. You know what? That's peanuts to them. They'd give you a check in two seconds."
ii. China
                                                                                    b. “It’s so easy.  It’s all about the messenger.  They wouldn’t even be there if it wasn’t for us.  If it weren’t for us, they wouldn’t be there. “

iii. Iraq                                                                         c. “Excuse me.  You’re not stealing.  Excuse me.  You’re not stealing anything.  You’re taking-- we’re reimbursing ourselves-- at least, at a minimum, and I say more.  We’re taking back $1.5 trillion to reimburse ourselves.”

iv. Saudi Arabia                                                          d. “We’re dealing with people who truly are not only smart, they’re great natural negotiators. They’re not our friends. They’re looking to strip us of everything they can strip us of”

9.  What prop did demonstrators in the Syrian city of Douma use to signify their demands in a march on April 15?

a. An effigy of President Bashar al-Assad
b. Tunisian flags
c. Yellow cards and whistles
d. Shoes
e. Brooms

10.  Which of the following has NOT been used as a name for days of protest in an Arab country?

a. Friday of Defiance
b. Friday of Redemption
c. Friday of Departure
d. Friday of Dignity
e. Friday of Martyrs

11. Egyptians often referred to Hosni Mubarak as which of the following commercial advertising characters?

a. Count Chocula
b. The Laughing Cow
c. Poppin’ Fresh
d. Colonel Sanders
e. Snuggle

Answers: 1) d 2) d 3) b 4) d 5) c 6) a 7) c 8) i. a, ii. d, iii. c, iv. d 9) c 10) b 11) b

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